
Retour de marché

Retour de marché

The nearest shops are 6 km away, in Verteuil-sur-Charente . Plan accordingly. Also think about our different options of packed lunches that we compose with local and/or organic products.

However, you can find small food shops, a wine merchant, a bistro and restaurants in Verteuil-sur-Charente which also offers a small local farmers' market on Sunday mornings.

There are also very good restaurants in Nanteuil-en-Vallée .

In Tusson you can taste the delicious pastries of the exquisite shop, tea room, florist " Gâteaux ", on site or to take away.

The nearest supermarkets are in Ruffec or Mansle , equidistant (11 km), north and south of Salles-de-Villefagnan respectively; there are independent shops and a few restaurants as well.

Markets Wednesday and Saturday morning in Ruffec , Tuesday, Friday and Saturday in Mansle . Sunday morning atVerteuil-sur-Charente .

Do not hesitate to ask us to share our good addresses with you.